The Mural Story
How are murals and doulas connected you ask? Good question!
We were in the process of revamping our website and we started out wanting pictures of ourselves in front of famous DC landmarks to play off our name and to connect our work to the city. Through looking for landmarks, we came across several murals in DC that really inspired us. One idea led to another and instead connecting our name to "typical" DC landmarks, we thought it would be fun to highlight murals that speak to the city's unique character. We started by having photos taken in front of the Heart Wall by Mr. Brainwash and the Resilience Mural by Creative Theory at Union Market. The Heart Wall was originally done to celebrate International Women's Day (perfect for doulas) and the Resilience Mural was part of the R-Mural Project, which according to Creative Theory's website, "was designed to inspire our community through art and storytelling while offering tangible resources to those most affected by COVID-19" — so relevant to the world we were living as we were working on our website. These murals were the beginning but they soon led to a new found love and awe of the Street Art in DC.
In addition to highlighting the murals on our website, we think it would be fun to include our clients in on our love for murals. This led us to create a Map of some of the murals in DC so our clients could find them near where they live.
So if you find yourself near a mural, take a picture of yourself, your family, or your baby bump then tag us (@District Doulas) and share.
Where Are They?
This is a map of some of the murals in DC. We know we are missing several. If you send us a picture of the mural and the location, we will add them to our map. To find a mural near you, zoom in on the map and then click on the drop point. Each one is labeled with the name of the mural and the artist.
Some of Our Favorites
Click on the thumbnails below to see the full mural.
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